What is Alum?
Aluminum Sulfate (Al2(SO4)3)is commonly called “ALUM.” This product is commonly used as a coagulating agent in municipal waste waters for clarity and phosphate control. It is also used in paper making, as a food chemical in pickling and as a “Styptic Pencil” for superficial shaving cuts.
The Aluminum cations (Al +3) bond with phosphate anions (PO4 -3) in the water. The resulting Aluminum Phosphate (AlPO4) is insoluble in water. This precipitate settles to the bottom of the pond and the phosphate is no longer available as a nutrient.
Also, the Aluminum ions act to agglomerate suspended dirt particles leaving the fish pond water sparkling clear.
PHOSCLEAR® is not an aquatic herbicide. It is a water treatment product intended to improve water quality by removing soluble phosphate from the water column and by precipitating out suspended dirt particles to clarify the pond or lake.
How is PHOSCLEAR® different from Standard Alum?
Standard Alum is quite acidic and a large dose to a pond will lower the pH of the water. It the pond drops below pH of 6, fish can be harmed or killed. The buffering agent in PHOSCLEAR® works to hold the pH steady.
We recommend that you take a water sample and perform full tests for pond water chemistry (Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites and pH) before treating with PHOSCLEAR®.
PHOSCLEAR® quickly disappears and goes to work
Photos of an actual PHOSCLEAR® buffered aluminum sulfate treatment. The photos show elapsed time after addition of 3 cups (1.5lbs of PHOSCLEAR® to a 5500 gallon Koi pond. )

Fish Density Calculator
Over the 15 years that we have sold PHOSCLEAR®, we have seen many ponds with water quality products caused by having too many fish. What’s the correct or the maximum amount of fish for your pond?
1. Calculate Pond Volume (Surface Area X Average Depth)
Determine the square footage of your pond’s surface area by measuring the length and the width and then multiply the two numbers. Once you determine the average depth, you can use this calculator to determine water volume: https://phosclear.com/calculate-your-water-volume
The general rule of thumb is no more than 1 inch of fish for every 10 gallons of water volume. So, if your pond volume is 4000 gallons, then 4000 ÷ 10 = 400 inches of fish. That equals a maximum of 400 inches of an adult, fully grown fish. (And fish length is measured from the nose to the base of the tail fin… not the end tip of the fin.)
2. Allow Room to Grow
Remember that small fish grow rapidly – particularly in a large pond with few fish. Anticipate this growth and don’t add the full limit “Inches of Fish” at the beginning. You should also make the choice between (a) a pond with a few, very large fish or (b) a pond with many smaller fish. Keeping fewer fish than allowed also offers better water quality and fewer water problems down the road.
3. Add More Fish Gradually
Whether adding young fishlings or adults, add just a few at a time. This depends on water volume for the pond and how much “head space” the pond has before reaching the maximum for stock. Another benefit of this gradual addition is that the pond’s natural bacterial population has an opportunity to grown and gradually adjust to the new residents.
Additional Information

How is the product applied? Application Instructions.
Also if the pH is low enough to be threatening to fish (below 6.5) a PHOSCLEAR® addition –despite being buffered – can slightly lower the pH enough to harm fish.
Phosclear® can be sprinkled as a powder over the water surface or introduced through a waterfall or skimmer intake or sprinkle in the prop wash of a motor boat.
The water column should be milky white once all of the product is added. Once done with the addition, turn off all waterfalls and aerators for 12 to 24 hours to allow the suspended dirt particles to agglomerate and settle to the bottom.
We DO NOT recommending applying PHOSCLEAR® or any pond treatment on hot, sunny days. This is when the Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.) in ponds is the lowest and when fish are under the greatest stress. If you feel that you must perform a treatment then add the product in the early morning as the sun is rising and the water is cooler and D.O. is higher.

How much PHOSCLEAR® is needed to treat a pond?
There are really two dose rates for PHOSCLEAR®:
- For phosphate control you add 20 to 40 lbs per acre foot of water. For severe PO4 levels above 1 PPM, double or triple the dose will be required.
- For clarification, the minimum dose of PHOSCLEAR® is 0.25 lbs per 1000 gallons of water. Clarification is an inexact science and depends on the # of suspended dirt particles per cubic foot of water. Some ponds respond very well to the minimum dose. Other ponds require 2X or 3X that amount.
- For smaller ponds, you apply ½ cup per 1000 gallons. So a 5000 gallon pond would use 2 ½ cups (or 5 X ½) per treatment.

How is the product packaged?
Phosclear® is available in 4 lbs plastic jars or 40 lbs (five gallon) pails.

Is the product safe for fish, koi ponds and aquatic plants?
When used as directed, the product is safe for fish and aquatic plants. It effectively controls phosphate levels and agglomerates suspended dirt particles to leave the fish or koi pond sparkling clear!

How often do I need to apply the product?
For ponds with high phosphate levels or a lot of suspended dirt particles, additional treatments may be required after the first application. We recommend additional treatments every three (3) days until desired results are achieved.
Thereafter, the products should be applied every 4 to 6 weeks as routine maintenance.